domenica 4 gennaio 2015

10 Ways to Turn Around a Bad Day!

Hello people!
We all have bad days, right?
But you know what? There are lots of ways to make your bad day a good one!
I will tell you 10 ways that I really love. 

1) Go outside! 
Walk barefoot in the grass, if you live near a beach go there and put your feet in the sand.
Without connecting to the energy of nature, your bad day will get even worse.

2) Sign out of Twitter, Instagram and any other social media.
People will post only the positive parts of their lives and you don't have to compare your bad day with their happy one!

3) Listen to your favorite songs, sing along, dance!
It will make you feel better!

4) Take some time just for you!
You deserve it! Have a bath, drink a cup of tea, read a book, draw.. anything you love to do, do it!

5) Hug!
There's nothing better than a hug in a bad day.
Hug or cuddle someone, cuddle a puppy, you will feel ok.

6) Write down something you are grateful for!
You will see that in your life there are lots of positive things and your bad day won't stay longer.
Start with the little things!

7) Watch something funny!
Watch a funny movie, a funny youtube video, a funny vine instead of listening to some depressing music and videos.

8) Workout!
Go swimming, jogging, ice skating.. the world is full of options! But move, distract your mind for a bit.

9) Hang out with a friend!
Go shopping, or just for a walk, talk about anything, have a good laugh.

10) Eat your favorite food!

I really hope this will help you in your bad days.
I know is not that simple, but we can try hard and be positive, right? 


10 commenti:

  1. I love going outside to just take in all the fresh air! Just went on a walk on the beach this morning and it was so lovely. I love having social media to connect with everyone but it's also nice to just live in the moment too! Watching something funny is great! Laughter really is the best medicine. I could go on but your list says it all. Awesome ways to turn your bad day good. :) x


  2. Great post and idea! :) thanks for sharing x

  3. I've nominated you for the Liebster award! Follow this link for details Liebster award

  4. This is a really nice post, a great way to share advice! I especially love to go outside for walks (even when it's raining!) and escape from social media.
