mercoledì 21 gennaio 2015

Healthy No-Bake Chocolate Cookies

Hello people!
Today I cooked these healthy no-bake chocolate cookies! I know, the presentation is not that great but  I assure you they taste really good!

You will need:
- 1/2 cups of butter.
- 1 cup of brown sugar.
- Half a glass of milk: you can add more of it if you need!
- A little bar of dark chocolate.
- 3 cups of dry oats.

How to do it?
It's really simple!
Melt the butter and the chocolate into a little pan (not in the same of course!).
Take a big bowl and put inside the sugar, the oats, the milk, the melted chocolate and the melted butter and then mix it all together until obtaining a thick consistency.
Create small cookies, put them in the fridge and let cool until set.
Then.. Buon appetito!
If you try this recipe make sure to send me a pic on twitter!


domenica 18 gennaio 2015


Hello people!
In these days I went shopping around Milan and I bought few things! 

1) I got this Zara sweater yesterday and it was on sale so I paid it € 4,99 which is amazing!
I really like the light brown color with the darker patches. It's a very classic item of clothing and I think it's nice wearing it at school or work! Unfortunately I couldn't find it on the website because of the sales! 

2) This Bershka T-shirt is super cute and girly! It's really long and fluffy! I love the blue flowers, they remind me of spring! You can wear this with jeans, leggings, or like I did with shorts and tights! 

3) I love body sprays. This one is from Hollister and is the Spray Silver Strand Beach. It was on sale and I paid it € 6 instead of € 14! It's made with tangerines, mango and coconut! The smell is delicate and not too sweet! It reminds me of summer.

4) Finally I got a wristwatch! It's from American Apparel and it's a pretty basic black one. Really simple and minimal. I paid it € 25! 

5) The last thing I got recently is this H&M pullover in blue. I love this color, I think is perfect for this cold winter in the city. 

I will talk to you soon,


domenica 4 gennaio 2015

10 Ways to Turn Around a Bad Day!

Hello people!
We all have bad days, right?
But you know what? There are lots of ways to make your bad day a good one!
I will tell you 10 ways that I really love. 

1) Go outside! 
Walk barefoot in the grass, if you live near a beach go there and put your feet in the sand.
Without connecting to the energy of nature, your bad day will get even worse.

2) Sign out of Twitter, Instagram and any other social media.
People will post only the positive parts of their lives and you don't have to compare your bad day with their happy one!

3) Listen to your favorite songs, sing along, dance!
It will make you feel better!

4) Take some time just for you!
You deserve it! Have a bath, drink a cup of tea, read a book, draw.. anything you love to do, do it!

5) Hug!
There's nothing better than a hug in a bad day.
Hug or cuddle someone, cuddle a puppy, you will feel ok.

6) Write down something you are grateful for!
You will see that in your life there are lots of positive things and your bad day won't stay longer.
Start with the little things!

7) Watch something funny!
Watch a funny movie, a funny youtube video, a funny vine instead of listening to some depressing music and videos.

8) Workout!
Go swimming, jogging, ice skating.. the world is full of options! But move, distract your mind for a bit.

9) Hang out with a friend!
Go shopping, or just for a walk, talk about anything, have a good laugh.

10) Eat your favorite food!

I really hope this will help you in your bad days.
I know is not that simple, but we can try hard and be positive, right? 


sabato 3 gennaio 2015

LUSH: Honey I Washed the Kids Review

Hello people! 
A dear friend of mine gave me the Lush Honey I Washed the Kids soap.
Is a caramel/honey scented soap and I'm in love with it!
I use it when I wash my hands. 
It's great because it soothes and softens your skin. Also, the smell is amazing, it's really sweet and it's hard not to eat it! 
This soap contains sweet wild orange, bergamot oils, aloe vera gel and of course honey!
It's perfect for all the skins type, even for the most sensitive ones!
So, if you like Lush as much as I do and you like sweet scented soaps, go and ask for this!
Have you already tried it? 
Let me now!
